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This Forum is supported by a generous donation from Allaire, one of the founding members of the Conference for Catholic Lesbians (CCL), and a long-time leader and supporter of the organization.
Thu, 02 Dec 2004 at 15:59:16 GMT
Facing the possible loss of her Methodist clergy credentials, the Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stroud freely told a church court yesterday that she lives with her lesbian partner but refused to plead guilty to violating the denomination’s ban on gay clerics. Stroud, an associate pastor, is being tried for violating the law against “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” in the ministry. Under questioning, Stroud spoke of her relationship with partner Chris Paige, who listened nearby. “One aspect of our relationship is that we express our love for each other sexually and with our bodies,” Stroud said. Stroud’s defense attorney asked her why she insisted on a career with the Methodists. “I felt I was called to go home. This is the church I grew up in.” Stroud briefly paused and broke down when speaking about her feeling of being called by God to the ministry. Moderator
City/State: NY
Wed, 01 Dec 2004 at 17:16:46 GMT
Christmas light time is about to get underway in my neighborhood. It has been nicknamed, “the neighborhood Santa can’t miss” on account of profusion of Christmas lights. Some folks also feature large scale displays in their front yard. The best–ever–I saw a few years ago. It included the ENTIRE Nativity scene-Jesus, Mary, Joseph, angel choir,the little drummer boy, shepherds, sheep, cows, donkeys, the Three Kings, their camels; and right next to them were Frosty the Snowman, Santa and all the reindeer, with Rudolf’s red nose blinking away in time to the carols playing. Not far from the manger were NY Knicks and NY Rangers banners. (Hey, this is New York, after all!) Standing there wondering why on earth the owners did this,it suddenly hit me the whole menagerie was meant to bring together symbols to make us smile and feel happy. “Rejoice, Be Joyful,” said all the figures, “Christmas is on the way.”Name: Moderator
City/State: Brooklyn, NY
Tue, 30 Nov 2004 at 11:48:12 GMT
A tentacle of the evangelicals was yanked into sight this morning in a “Principal Sorry for “School Prayer” Poem” story on Yahoo. Athens, Georgia high school principal, Tommy Craft, said he wanted to provoke thought and discussion among students about the changing political climate in school when he read the poem the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. The poem refers to prayer not being allowed in school, although students can “dress like freaks, and piece our noses, tongues and checks” or “elect a pregnant Senior Queen.” The poem mentions the ability to get condoms and birth control, as well as study witchcraft. “But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, no word of God must reach this crowd,” the poem says. The principal’s action brought complaints from some parents who said it violated the principle of separation of church and state.Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Mon, 29 Nov 2004 at 21:42:00 GMT
I am a Catholic lesbian. I thought of starting a new website called – what do you think of that? there are so many of us. Currently, I am single. Boy, that’s not really fun during the holidays. I miss my g/f.. oh well, life goes on. Later on girls! great site. [email protected]: Nancy Hennen
City/State: Fargo North Dakota
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 at 18:57:13 GMT
Oliver Stone is catching hell from some Greek politicians livid that he had the nerve to portray Alexander the Great as bi-sexual. Personally, I think Alexander was homosexual. Like most homosexuals, we occasionally try the opposite sex–whether pressure, curiousity, or just smitten with the person. Alexander was no exception. This doesn’t even make him bi-sexual, as far as I’m concerned. Anyway, why all the uproar? They just can’t stand the thought that one of their greatest warriors had sex with men? Does that make him any less of a great warrior or king?Name: Moderator
City/State: Greenport, NY
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 at 18:40:52 GMT
Hi, sisters. Sorry, I can’t share much cheer on th epolitical front as we have an equally moronic individual in charge of our country as you seem to have democratically(!) reelected. Seeing the people that are in charge of our countries does make me wonder what exactly we can do for our world, how we can make any difference, then I think about all the small things that we do that already make a difference in our own hearts and in the hearts of others. And just while I was reading your comments I realised that this forum isn’t just something very special for us, it’s also a contribution to making our world a more tolerant, loving and just place. Be well, SophieName: Sophie
City/State: Portsmouth, UK
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 at 18:00:28 GMT
One of the products my company manufactures are journals. I recently received a request by a labyrinth maker to develop a new journal cover design based on ancient Cretan designs. It started me thinking about the idea of building a labyrinth in my back yard next spring. What are labyrinths? Most experts agree they were originally created to induce introspection. “We don’t know much about the history of labyrinths,” said one artist, “but one of the draws is the appreciation of mystery.” The labyrinth in Chartes Cathedral in France was a substitute for the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Nowadays, people use them as a walking meditation tool. Labyrinths can also help to relieve stress. The sacred spirals force people to slow down as they walk them. There are no rules except to stay within the boundaries of the path.Name: Moderator
City/State: Greenport, NY
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 at 14:13:05 GMT
Should we rename our country in accordance with other countries’ views such as the United States of Moronity? Humor is my only refuge in dealing with this matter. I fear our lives are in danger with this idiot at the helm while his idiot followers are jumping ship and who knows what other morons will take over. I agree that we’re becoming very wrong winged and I believe Hitler was a wrong winger gone too far with no tolerance of gays, jews, different races/nationalities. How is this wrongteous thinking different in its’ roots from Hitler where people will be singled out and you imagine the rest. Will our gay hate crime laws be repealed since gays are not even humans in the eyes of the wrong winged? Our nation was founded on differences as it has been stated here but it is evolving into a Hitler elitist society.Name: Tricia
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 at 13:58:21 GMT
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. How about a bit of humor here to take the edge off of our re-elected fraternity president to our great nation – European countries think we are idiots to have re-elected him. I heard that their newspapers after the re-election read: 54 Million Morons re-elected U.S. President – paraphrasing of course but the 54 million were the exact words. We’re morons in the eyes of other countries, how’s that for a slap in our faces? If we can not laugh, what can we do? I just fear about the nuclear issues and how a fraternity president is not mature enough to deal with such sensitive issues affecting so many lives. I guess our country is made up of 54 million morons and counting….Name: Tricia
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 at 13:09:32 GMT
Dear Friends, I wanted to take a moment to wish all of you in the US a very Happy Thanksgiving. I will remember all the people on this Forum–both readers and writers–in my prayers tomorrow. I am thankful for all of you, and the good community we have together. Thank you. And God bless and keep each of you always. KarenName: Moderator
City/State: NY
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 at 10:04:47 GMT
I agree with the moderator. The U.S. appears to be on the road to the prejudice and exclusive ideology of the right wing conservatives. They use the bible to distort its real meaning. Why are we regressing? Maybe it’s fear(amplified after 9/11), and fear breeds hatred and creates a false sense of security by providing its believers with the false sense of of elitism over others. Scarry stuff!!This ‘ideology’seems to throw out any growth through education(degree or no degree)that goes beyond their selective perception to challenge a democracy that has the potential to lead a country to peace. In spite of the information available,it chooses hatred, and what a cost because hatred has no room for love… The result is discrimination against any person, or minorities that are different. How sad,and how Christian is that! I pray for a real conversion of hearts.Name: catie
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 at 19:14:09 GMT
Anyone reading Acker: The Power of Intention? or other books. I find it is an interesting link between Christian and Bouddhism. Spirituality in its lightest and deepest sense.Name: L
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 at 07:39:26 GMT
Hello there, Wow, this is a great forum!! And I have to say America is most certainly *not* an enlightened nation – rather just another country who perverts the name of God for their own personal agenda that was made up by prejudiced mortals! All of these “moral values” folks seem to forget that the Bible is a long history of oral tradition passed down through many years and many what makes THEM think that they are such Biblical scholars? Every day I wake up hoping to have some end to the insanity that has occurred in this country!!! ChrisName: Chris
City/State: NY
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 at 16:07:56 GMT
Is Catholic intellectual life in the US in trouble? The editor at America thinks so. “Today’s culture wars are ideologically driven. They are wars of opinion, indifferent to research and learning. The put a premium on cleverness and emotion, especially righteous anger. Knowledge and judgement matter less then litmus-test correctness. Furthermore, the intertwining of ideological wars in American politics with internal differences within the church, a phenomenon that is reaching a new peak in this year’s presidential campaign, has hastened the disappearance of substantial, respectful intellectual exchange among Catholics. Catholic intellectual life has been further impoverished by the alienation of academics. Theologians, in particular, resesent being treated as catchists charged with transmitting selected snippets of recent church teaching. They take offense at being monitored by the prejudiced and ill-informed.” Comments? Agree? Disagree?Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 at 12:31:28 GMT
There is a new movie by Pedro Almodovar I’m planning to go see Sunday afternoon. “Bad Education” features multiple plotlines as it delves into the love lives of schoolboys, predatory priests, drug addiction, and murder. A movie reviewer likened it to Alfred Hitchcock’s “Vertigo.” A young and very successful director receives a visit from an old school friend. The latter is now an actor looking for work, and he has a story, “The Visit”, which carries loud echoes of the director’s days at a seminary. The director immediately wants to make the story into a film, and the actor wants to star. What follows are twists, turns and and subjective interpretations of the past. That sounds like the experience of anyone who attended Catholic institutions. I wonder how it will echo my own experience?Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 at 12:34:32 GMT
Sophie, good to hear from you. Thanks for helping to keep our spirits up. Have a good weekend.Name: Karen
City/State: Brooklyn, NY
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 at 10:38:44 GMT
Hi, sisters, sorry it’s been so long. Unfortunately over here we all seem to have forgotten that Mr Bush was re-elected. How narrow minded. Just to brighten up your day, I thought you’d like to know that over here today is a nationwide day of fundraising for a huge children’s charity and people all over the country are doing crazy things to raise money, or giving money to have a record played on national radio. This evening heaps of radio, TV and other stars will be doing silly things- all great fun to watch and a reminder that despite all the things we see and read in the news, there are still loads of good people out there willing to put themselves out for others. Be well, SophieName: Sophie
City/State: UK
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 at 14:34:25 GMT
Some women at St. Mary’s Church in Cambridge, Mass. are members of a “shawl ministry”, a group that knits shawls for parishioners, community members and strangers who are sick or going through trying times. The shawl ministry was started by two graduates of Hartford Theological Seminary four years ago. Janet Bristow, one of the founders, was inspired to start the ministry by watching a woman pray with a shawl in church. “It’s an embrace,” Ms. Bristow said. “It’s a hug. It’s tangible. You’re basically knitting your prayers, your good intentions and your thoughts into the shawl and keeping the receiver in those thoughts and intentions.” Another ministry member said: “I try to get in a really quiet, spiritual frame and say a few Hail Marys to slow down. I pray the person may draw a lot of peace and comfort from it, and it will help them get through their trying time.” I can’t imagine a more tender, beautiful gift for both the recipient and giver. www.shawlministry.comName: Moderator
City/State: NY
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 at 12:36:08 GMT
Catholic conservatives are disappointed in the choice of Bishop William S. Skylstad of Spokane, Washington as the new president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Many Catholic conservatives and a handful of bishops argue that church officials should forcefully insist that Catholic teaching on opposing abortion and same-sex marriage should guide Catholic voters and elected officials. Bishop Skylstad is considered a “liberal” with the church because he emphasizes the issues of poverty, war, and the death penalty as well as abortion. In an October 21 article in the diocesan newspaper, he urged Catholics to vote, and then posed 10 questions to take into the voting booth about health care, peace, religious bigotry and other issues. One conservative activist called the elevation of Bishop Skylstad a set back: “There is this fight, between the social justice and pro-life sides of the Catholic Church.” Some solace after the Kerry defeat.Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 at 11:36:57 GMT
I was on the phone with my sister this morning, yakking away on the usual subjects–our mother, our children, the weather, dumb jokes we sent one another and so on, when we each wished the other a happy anniversary. We have both been with our spouses for 17 years this week. My sister, a former schoolteacher, had bristled with indignation over the recent Texas textbook notation defining marriage as a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. Not only did she think it was unfair to me and mine; but also untrue–“How many people stay married to their first husband or wife these days,” she said, “not many. It’s just a myth.” Personally, I think if the church is interesting in preserving marriage, they should address all the reasons it goes kaput…communication skills, money management, and most important of all–a vibrant (and mutually satisfying) sexual relationship with one another.Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 at 11:08:18 GMT
Loren, I guess it just proves great minds think alike! KarenName: Moderator
City/State: NY
Sat, 13 Nov 2004 at 11:22:15 GMT
Moderator, my previous post compliments what you were saying about the NY Times piece you read. With religion and so-called “moral values” being such a part of this most recent election, the idea of separation of church and state has become a myth. Our country was founded on these ideals and now they have been twisted and disfigured to fit an agenda of hate, fear and discrimination. Our government, and yes even our church tells us that their god is against homosexuality, against a woman’s right to choose, against tolerance of different beliefs and different ways of life. My god is better than your god. Is this what Jesus taught us? No, but that the kingdom of God is within you…within us.. straight or gay, Christian or Buddhist, Muslim or Jew. Take heart ladies, God is stronger than all of this…than our government, our church, our president. Yes, I’m still angry with the people who are trying to destroy our country, our civil rights, other countries, but it’s not over yet.Name: Loren
City/State: FL
Sat, 13 Nov 2004 at 11:06:29 GMT
From Eckhart Tolle’s THE POWER OF NOW: The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse. I use it sometimes, but I do so sparingly. By misuse, I mean that people who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying. This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs, assertions, and egoic delusions, such as “My or our God is the only true God, and your God is false,” or Nietzsche’s famous statement “God is dead.” The word God has become a closed concept. The moment the word is uttered, a mental image is created, no longer, perhaps, of an old man with a white beard, but still a mental representation of someone or something outside you, and, yes, almost inevitably a male someone or something.Name: Loren
City/State: FL
Thu, 11 Nov 2004 at 17:55:21 GMT
In a recent NY Times Op Ed piece – “The Day the Enlightenment Went Out”, Gary Wills wondered if the United States can still be called an “Enlightened Nation.” “America, the first real democracy in history, was the product of Enlightenment values-critical intelligence, tolerance, respect for evidence, a regard for secular sciences.” Contrary to every shred of evidence produced, 75% of Mr. Bush’s supporters believe Iraq was directly involved in the attacks of 9/11. “It is often observed that enemies come to resemble each other. We torture the torturers, we call our God better than theirs.” Does our current fundamentalist zeal, rage at secularity, religious intolerance, echo Al Qaeda and radical Islamists? I think so. We are fighting one jihad in the Middle East, only to promote one on our own home soil.Name: Moderator
City/State: NY
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 at 15:41:46 GMT
Event Notices: “Religion and the Future of Liberal Politics” – A Post-Election Analysis Sponsored by the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture. November 11, 3-5 p.m., Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, Lowenstein Center, 113 West 60th Street, 12th Floor, New York City, NY. The Fordham Center on Religion and Culture seeks to explore questions arising at the intersection of religious faith and contemporary culture. Also – monthly meeting of Catholic lesbians at Church of St. Francis Xavier, 55 W. 15th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues), West Room, 2nd Floor, Manhattan. November 12, 7-9 p.m. Please bring a snack or beverage to share.Name: Moderator
City/State: New York
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 at 10:36:21 GMT
Now the war is more intense than ever and hundreds of terrorists who claim they want to engage in suicide missions are being released since Bush’s re-election. I believe Bush is the devil incarnate and wants our demise sooner than later. Why would people vote to die? Why would they vote to gay hate than save their own lives? Jesus never preached hate. These gay hating religious WRONG preach hate and elected bushy wushy wag tail who will lead us to hell.Name: Tricia
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 at 10:30:28 GMT
The Frontline expose exposed how Bush when he ran for governor of Texas engaged in nasty gay hating tactics that define this frat brother that now leads the U.S. Is that scary? While running against his female opponent, Bush pronounced her association with gays and his people placed flyers of 2 men kissing on windshields of car parked in Church parking lots during services right before the election. His gay hating tactics to divide and conquer won him that election and this one too. Don’t change what works is his motto? He claims to be Christian? What hypocrisy? If he had Catholic heirarchy followers, it makes sense for they allowed little children to continue to be molested while they kept their dirty little secrets away from the light of truth. Birds of a feather stick together. How evil is it, ladies, for the nastiest people out there to manipulate others re: religion and Christianity to get their frat brother to run a country? I’d say pretty darn evil….Name: Tricia
Tue, 09 Nov 2004 at 10:11:26 GMT
To Loren, Catie, and Greenport Karen and all: Loren, you speak my heart, I feel the same. A mandatory draft is surely on the agenda for how many times can they recycle the same reservists. Catie, I couldn’t have said it better re: lies, hatred, etc. with this poor excuse for an election with gay bashing ads via gay marriage ban issues on the ballot that turned the election to the religious WRONG. My God would NOT approve of gay bashing but their gay bashing gods do. Greenport Karen, I did notice that the states that voted for Kerry were the ones most affected by 911. The thinking states, the ones who have more in their heads than gay hating views. I took note. Let’s all bow our heads down in sadness for the mental midgets who voted Bush for in their small minds it is more scary to live with gays in their lives than it is to lose their own lives here in the U.S. re: the poor handling of this war. Now, tell me ladies, how pea brain is that? Continued in next post..Name: Tricia
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 17:23:55 GMT
My Two Cents: It is interesting to note that Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut–states that suffered most of the 9/11 casualties–went overwhelming for Senator Kerry in the election. Republican pundits don’t seem to be mentioning that much..Tom Coburn, the new senator from Oklahoma, warned during his campaign the “gay agenda” would undermine the country, and said he had heard there was “rampant lesbianism” in Oklahoma schools. I am delighted to hear about the “rampant lesbianism” part, but distressed for women there and in South Carolina, whose new senator, Jim DeMint, thinks lesbians should be banned from teaching in public schools. It will be interesting to see if W. is going to push the constitutional ban on gay marriage; or if he’s going to concentrate on the more lucrative tax code, Social Security overhaul, and easing up what few environmental restrictions exist.Name: Karen
City/State: Brooklyn, NY
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 17:09:45 GMT
Dear all, Moderator and Sophie, Thanks a lot for your warmth welcome. I’m more than able to join Sophie from UK and together think about a strategy to divulge the activities abroad. Tomorrow I’ll have an appointment with my accountant to check how to register an office designed to be a representative for some international NGO. I ask your prayer and support to divulge this project in Brazil and will try to post a message or a theme for discussion if not everyday at least every other day. [email protected]: Claudia
City/State: BRAZIL
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 16:58:58 GMT
To Denise from Baltimore – In answer to your question about gay & lesbian friendly parishes in Baltimore.. I understand from New Ways Ministry both Corpus Christi and St. Francis of Assisi in Baltimore fit the description. I also highly recommend St. Bernadette’s in Severn, Maryland. The parish sponsors a lesbian and gay support group. Good luck. Stay in touch!Name: Moderator
City/State: New York
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 16:49:31 GMT
A warm welcome to Claudia from Brazil! No, you’re not breaking any rules by trying to meet someone via this site. I hope you do. I also hope you will join Sophie from the U.K. is help expand this Forum internationally. Thank you for writing. A sisterly welcome, too, to Catie, Cris and Denise. Loren, it’s good to have you back.Name: Moderator
City/State: New York
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 12:40:48 GMT
Dear all and in special Catie, We are going to face hard times from now on and what saddens me most is the fact Roman Catholic bishops joined evangelicals to support Pres. Bush. We gays lost our rights and more even ahead when Supreme Court propose a Constitutional amendment. I just want to say Brazil recognizes and validates same sex marriages performed in the 15 countries who endorse it. I’m a Christian and feel ashamed on how I was treated both by priests and ministers when I disclosed my condition even saying I want a definitive partnership intended to be a life long. [email protected]: Claudia
City/State: BRAZIL
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 12:32:53 GMT
I want to find a mature Christian partner over 50 (I’m 53) able to move to Brazil where I live in or we both to Canada. I hope I’m not breaking the rules, it’s my first time here. My e-mail is [email protected]: Claudia
City/State: BRAZIL
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 at 11:00:08 GMT
Just releasing here…Who’s Christianity is this ie election and morals??? This was the worst capmpaign ever to gain votes through lies, fear, hatred and judgements…I do believe we are the scapegoat, once again, that Bush is using to appease the religious right(a sick ideology),and that he used to get votes…a diversion while he proceeds with his real agenda, an unjust war…In reality, this isn’t a win, and in the end truth will prevail..It saddens me that Americans have distorted Christ to fit such fear and hatred, anything but Christian…what a narrow and difficult road for us to try and live the REAL gospel…next step right is facism, and that is scarry…I am moving forward and taking a stand…I am not afraid of love..Name: Catie
City/State: Albuquerque, NM
Sun, 07 Nov 2004 at 18:14:35 GMT
Tricia, as always, you have expressed my feelings exactly. I’m beside myself. I can’t believe these homo-hating, Bible-thumping hypocrites think they have won. You’re right though…they’re going to get exactly what they want…that is if they want a draft, more needless death in Iraq, no Social Security by the time we’re retirement age, no affordable prescription drugs, gas that costs $5 per gallon, thousands of deaths of women getting backwoods abortions if it becomes illegal, no rights for gays (even though we have to pay taxes and obey all laws). The Baptists are pushing for the anti-gay marriage amendment here in Florida too the next time there’s an election. So, murderers and felons can get married, but we can’t? Don’t you feel like the whole world is against us sometimes? I just don’t get it. I really don’t like feeling this way either, and I know it’s not good for your heart or psyche. What do we do? It’s hard to be optimistic during a time like this.Name: Loren
City/State: FL
Sun, 07 Nov 2004 at 16:17:14 GMT
Alright girls, is anyone else filled with anger, resentment, and all those other oh so healthy feelings over this election? Every time I see a “W” sticker or a Bush sticker on someone’s car, I get more angry, and I’m darn sure not letting them out in front of me in a line of traffic. How is everyone coping with W’s re-election? Is this going to set gay rights and women’s rights back 40 years? Is this going to allow legislation to discriminate against us…10 percent of the population? I need some coping mechanisms. In the meantime, here’s a good quote: “Whenever I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have always been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it: ALWAYS.” — Mahatma GandhiName: Loren
City/State: FL
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 at 22:46:05 GMT
Moral values is what won the election? That’s another way of saying gay bashing is what won the election. Moral values means honesty, integrity, sobriety and most of all being a peacekeeper. And thus, Bush fails on moral values. Gay bashers won. What really unnerves me is the hate in the little voting booths – the people you and I come in contact with each and every day. How does one know who to trust when the gay hate vote elected the new president? Makes one ponder and pray for one’s safety out there. I think this election begins a dangerous decline in respecting the rights of others. We’re going backwards. Is it just me or does anyone fear that gay bashing crimes will increase now?Name: Tricia
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 at 22:38:02 GMT
I’m not finished. It was like a death to me, the lost election. I’ve tried my best to look on the bright side. What bright side? The ONLY bright side that exists. The one based on that old adage about being careful of what one prays for. Let’s see the hell Bush puts us through for another 4 years and see if these pea brains who prayed to elect him will EVER realize what a slacker and self absorbed frat brother he is. He was the president of his fraternity in college. Imagine that? Did anyone else see that Frontline expose that I saw about the candidates? If I thought I disliked Bush before, I really disliked him after seeing that. Well, at least Teresa is happy now for she didn’t want to be the wife of a president and lose whatever privacy she has. She only went along since her husband wanted to run for president. I admire her for that. I can just hear her now – “So you wanted 4 more years? 4 more years of HELL. And you can SHOVE IT!”Name: Tricia
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 at 22:29:20 GMT
Loren, I don’t know if I can help but I’ll give it the old college try. I’m still in shock myself. I had seen Frontline on PBS before the election about the backgrounds of Kerry and Bush. Kerry was the man of integrity all of his life and Bush was the drunkard and liar he’s always been labeled as in this factual telling. It was a real eye-opener. As a friend said, his friends that were voting for Kerry were the most intelligent of his friends. Need I say more? OK, I told another friend that I was shocked that the gay bashing marriage ban was on the ballot in 11 states and OHIO was one of them. I believe that was the clincher -it was a Republican gay bashing ad ON the ballot, a gay hating issue. One political observer on the McLaughlin Group said tonight that Kerry would’ve won without the gay marriage ban on the ballots of the 11 states. My sentiments exactly…Name: Tricia
Fri, 05 Nov 2004 at 14:42:49 GMT
Hi, I’m new here. I’m trying to find a Catholic Church in Baltimore where I can be openly out. I very much long for a Catholic community that I can be an active member of that won’t turn me away for being a Lesbian. Can anyone here help guide me to a church in the area? I would appreciate it immensely. Thanks.Name: Denise
City/State: Baltimore
Thu, 04 Nov 2004 at 09:43:30 GMT
Hi group… we are all saddened by the re-election of Bush. I am most upset at information I obtained by my partner thru her poli-sci class outlining the underlying motive for the war on terrorism. It isn’t about oil, but power…world domination. Read it for yourself at, March/ April’03, entitled 30 Year Itch.Name: Cris
City/State: Albuquerque, NM
Wed, 03 Nov 2004 at 17:39:41 GMT
Hello all,hope none of you are too downcast/. This side of the pond we’ve just heard that Kerry has formally admitted defeat and I’m very sad that the whole world will have to endure four more years of Bush. Fortunately, so far, Prime Minister Blair hasn’t adopted Bush’s opinions on “moral issues” (such as gay rights, stem cell research etc) and I hope and pray that Bush’s reelection won’t lead to him having even more power in british politics than he does already. Sometimes I do wonder how God is working in all things for the good of those he loves… SophieName: Sophie
City/State: Portsmouth, UK
Wed, 03 Nov 2004 at 16:29:14 GMT
Somebody please say something to make me feel better. I can’t believe we’re stuck with Bush for four more years. More discrimination, hate, betrayal. I just can’t believe it.Name: Loren
City/State: FL
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 at 12:14:35 GMT
Lest I forget. One reporter asked another who the undecided ones were, the other said it was those who couldn’t find the polls. With all the coverage, not many could be undecided but If any of you have been so tied up with work/daily life to be undecided or fence sitters, here are the facts. Rehnquist, a Supreme Court judge, has throat cancer. He didn’t show up today for work as he promised. His days are considered numbered due to his illness and 2 other judges will retire within this next Presidential reign. The next pres. will appoint 3 Supreme Court judges. So IF you care about gay rights, vote for Kerry – he will appoint GAY friendly judges. A vote for bush will set us back to the dark ages with his appointment of 3 gay bashing judges. The critics themselves say that if bush is elected and he appoints 3 judges, it will be 40 years before any changes can be made again. Thus you can kiss our gay rights goodbye with a bush vote. VOTE KERRY IF YOU WANT GAY RIGHTS!Name: Tricia
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 at 11:33:16 GMT
We’re a DIFFERENT Catholic Church! The UICC invites all who desire a relationship with the Lord to gather with us to celebrate Mass and the other Sacraments of the Church. If you do not belong to a church consider the UICC as a home where you can worship. We welcome all regardless of age, race, nationality, lifestyle, marital status, or socioeconomic status.
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 at 10:58:39 GMT
Did I have my wax in my ears or did I hear a reporter ask Kerry what he thought about the fact that it was discovered that Bush has a higher IQ than Kerry? I giggled when I realized what I thought I heard, then I realized that Kerry must have had to muster up all of his strength not to go into falling off his chair in laughter with that query IF that is what I heard. Anyone has a higher IQ than Bush, even Bush admits to one and all that he isn’t very deep which I equate with intellect/IQ. Loren, I have another analogy – a gay vote for Bush is like a gay vote for the KKK. In Mississippi, they hang crows from trees for all the passersby to see which I’m sure is quite intimidating for those who the KKK dislikes, the same ones that Hitler didn’t and Bush don’t like with their elitist attitudes. Don’t get me started…..Name: Tricia
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 at 10:49:47 GMT
Yes, that will be fun to compare gardening notes, Greenport Karen. Yes, I will be up watching the returns tomorrow night and will not sleep well until ALL the results are in for weeks to come, I’m sure. Welcome back, Loren, so good to see you here again. Yes, Loren, a gay vote for Bush is like a Jew voting for Hitler, I couldn’t have said it better. Great analogy! More in next post…Name: Tricia
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 at 21:26:00 GMT
Just a few more lines from the article: Sometimes I hear (and sadly, this often comes from gay people) “they aren’t single issue voters and consider many issues when deciding how to vote.” What does it say about our sense of self worth when we accept from our parents the explanation that taxes and school vouchers are more important than the dignity, safety and equality of their children? Why are we are so reluctant to challenge them when their behavior so fundamentally affects our lives? I have been as guilty of this as anyone, but no more. Ending our silence is the only way to.Name: Loren
City/State: FL
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 at 21:23:18 GMT
I don’t know how many of you are on the HRC’s e-mail list, but they sent out an email the other day with a moving and powerful article by Vic Basile entitled “Love and Friendship and the Voting Booth”. If you go to you can read the whole thing. I’m going to post an excerpt.Name: Loren
City/State: FL