Liturgies & Rituals| Prayers | Books, Articles and other Media
Gay- Friendly Parishes & Organizatons
The materials and information included in this section are here to support Catholic Lesbians in their faith journey. They have come from many sources: CCL members, past issues of Images (CCL’s quarterly newsletter), other Christian or Catholic organizations, and volunteered submissions we received through this Web site. We especially welcome contributions CCL virtual community members wish to make to this section.
The CCL “community” is a diverse one…from women who are active in their local parishes to women who would not consider themselves to be Catholic anymore, but recognize the influence their Catholic heritage had, both positive and negative, in shaping who they are today. Many members fall somewhere between both points.
Wherever you are in your faith journey, we hope the resources contained in this section are especially helpful, supportive and meaningful to you.
Our sample Liturgies and Rituals and list of Prayers are good for use in a group or by yourself. You are welcome to use these resources as they are or adapt them.
Our Lesbian & Gay Friendly Parishes page lists welcoming parishes by U.S. state. We will be featuring other Lesbian-Friendly Groups and Organizations in the near future.
Our Books, Articles and other Media section includes poems, electronic forums and other resources of interest to Catholic Lesbians.
Please check back frequently as we will continually add resources to this and other sections of our Web site.
Liturgies & Rituals| Prayers | Books, Articles and other Media
Gay- Friendly Parishes & Organizatons