Liturgies & Rituals| Prayers | Books, Articles and other Media
Gay- Friendly Parishes & Organizatons
We hope to grow our media section using your suggestions of books, articles, magazines, poems, radio and television shows and Web sites of interest to Lesbians of the Catholic faith. Please email us and share your knowledge of helpful resources with members of the CCL community.
Electronic Discussion Groups
A list of electronic forums and Web sites related to women and spirituality >>
Faith Matters Interfaith Talk Radio
A radio talk show that provides lively and informative discussion of contemporary religious issues >>
Life-Size Image
A Poem by CCL member Gabriela Assagioli >>
Reading List
A list of books of interest to Catholic Lesbians >>
Liturgies & Rituals| Prayers | Books, Articles and other Media
Gay- Friendly Parishes & Organizatons